1) The Action delegate
encapsulate a method which dosen't reutn a value,and which holds a variable number of parameters.
a. public delegate void Action()- if the method is parameterless,use it.
b. public delegate void Action(T arg1).
c. public delegate void Action(T1 arg1,T2 arg2).
d. public delegate void Action(T1 arg1,T2 arg2,T3 arg3).
e. public delegate void Action(T1 arg1,T2 arg2,T3 arg3,T4 arg4).
e.g: Foreach
2) The Comparison delegate
sorting elements within a collection
e.g: Sort
3) The Converter
convert an object from on type to another type
e.g: List toysNames = toys.ConvertAll(toy => toy.Name);
4) The Predicate delegate
defines a set of criteria and determines whether the specified object meets those criteria.
e.g: Exists,Find,FindAll,FindIndex,etc..
This happens when the returned(or inner) function has a reference to anything defined in the parent(or outer) function,i.e.(换言之),the parent local scope.When this happens,we way that a closure has been created.
1) Unidirectional(单向的) synchronization
2) Bidirectional(双向的) synchronization
1. Comfortable: 舒适的
2. encapsulate: 装入内部,封装(encapsulate method)
3. intention: 意图
4. Infinite: 无限的,无穷的,极大的
5. Closure: 闭合